Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael E. Knight!!!

AMC's Tad, Michael E. Knight, celebrates his 51st birthday today!


  1. Happy birthday Michael nice pic of him he is a Taurus like my niece

  2. Happy Birthday to a wonderful actor and my favorite since I started watching AMC back in the good old "80's"

  3. Bring Jamie back! :-)

    Justin Bruenig is only 20 years younger, but then Tad was like 27ish when he hooked up with Brooke.

  4. Michael has been my favorite male actor forever. Happy Birthday, Michael!

  5. I adore Michael's character..He makes a perfect Tad...The way he has grown over the years to a fine actor that he is today. AMC would be a bust without him!

  6. I know this is late but i just discover this website. I wanted to say Happy Birthaday to Michael E. Knight and pray that he has many more. I just started watching All My Childre a little over two years after being away for so long. I am glad that with everything that is going on with the econonmy that he decided to stay on the show. I also heard of his divorce and I wanted to express my that my prayers are with him. GOD Bless you Michael! :)
