Guiding Light and One Life to Live star Gina Tognoni dishes about her "exciting" return to One Life to Live with Daytime Confidential. (Daytime Confidential)
This week the Pine Valley Bulletin takes on the "big reveal" of Stuart's killer. *yawn* (Pine Valley Bulletin)
This week at The Scrubs Hub we have one simple question for you: What will happen next for Robin & Patrick? (Scrubs Hub)
The Serial Drama girls are longstanding Jonathan Jackson fans, but think it will take some time to adjust to him as Lucky again. No amount of time, however, will make them adjust to his beard. (Serial Drama)
Claudia's time is clearly running out of time in a big way these days in Port Charles...Sigh, if f I had a TRIGGER button on my remote control, Claudia would have been a done deal month's ago. (Soap Examiner)
Sunday Surgery finds the Wubqueen pondering the blow-ups offering clues to the Franco mystery. Could it really be all about Alkazar--AGAIN? What do you think? (Wubs)
This could be considered a spoiler if you haven't watched Friday or Monday's shows yet. So read no further. Then again, I would say that pretty much everyone had figured out who the real killer was way before this. This big shock, so so not. This intrigue and declarations of "forget what you think you know" nonsense was all just talk. It wasn't shocking in the least after six months of waiting. Back in July or even August, I think it would have been a much bigger shock.
Why do I think so? Because soaps need to be different now because fans are different now. What I mean is, in the age of the internet, 6 month murder mysteries just can't hold people's interest anymore. You've got spoilers, rumors, speculations, and constant discussion about who, what, where, why, when and how. Attention spans are shorter, so must storylines be.
That said, I happen to enjoy long stories. I like things that aren't resolved in a short time. I like slow build. But hey, I'm old school and my kind are few and far between anymore. Today we see soaps getting canceled. We see shows playing hardball with their stars to get them to take pay cuts because soaps are trying to survive. We see rich history go by the wayside because history doesn't sell. Or so that's the theory. But I ask AMC fans this... would you rather be shocked by a reveal, or have an interesting story for an historic returning character... say Brooke for example? Now I'm not saying Brooke is returning, I only wish she was! What I'm saying is, a character such as her, with a rich history, in a storyline worthy of her can go for months and keep people's interest, if done right. She has so much back story that there is so much to cover.
You can argue that is what AMC did with Adam. An historic character in a months and months long story. But no. I don't really see it that way. It was Kendall's story. It was Annie's story. It was Emma's story. It wasn't Stuart's. It wasn't Adam's. Adam's history wasn't drawn on hardly at all. Or at all?
I know I'm fighting a losing battle. I want soaps, especially mine, to succeed and flourish once again. I want compelling stories that make sense and aren't full of holes. I want romance and love in the afternoon. I want the social issues that are broached to be true parts of storylines. I want lavish parties and weddings. I want history to be a part of the show always. Anymore it's about finding new viewers and long time viewers suffer. When long time viewers leave, the soaps are done for. They cannot survive without us. When are they going to realize that?
I read so much angst and so much negativity. And yes, I post negativity too. Frustration does that to a person. But the bottom line is that I want to AMC to succeed and stay on the air. In order to do that more has to change than just their location. Writing has to improve greatly. Shock value has to stop. It's fleeting. What was gained by having an event so historic as the first lesbian wedding on daytime only to cheapen it with one of the women kissing a man and having that wedding be annulled the next day? What has been gained by making Adam the killer of his own beloved brother? There's still time to prove to us long time fans that something can be gained with this. Give David Canary the best material of his life. Take Adam on a journey of self discovery but make sure you keep the edge that we've come to love about Adam. Do you think you can do that? If you can't, then you need to find someone who can. Mr. Pratt, prove me wrong about you. Prove to me that you aren't out to destroy my beloved AMC. Prove to me that you can turn things around and make this show shine again. Pay attention to history. Pay attention to consistency. I'm out on a limb here giving you a chance to turn things around and make right some of the terrible atrocities you've made wrong. I'm giving you a chance a lot of fellow AMC fans wouldn't give you. Don't make me regret it.
Leven Rambin (ex-Lily) has booked a recurring role on the ABC hit drama series Grey's Anatomy. No specific airdates have been released yet, but she is already filming her new role!
Denise Vasi (Randi) confirmed via her Twitter that she and boyfriend Sevan Arslanian got engaged this weekend! Considering the groom to be is a diamond wholesaler, that must be one spectacular ring! Congrats Denise and Sevan!
This weeks spoilers are now posted! It's a crazy week as the Halloween festivities commence. Aidan and Kendall are still on the run. David hatches a crazy scheme, appalling everyone! Brot and Natalia grow closer. And Adam remembers! Plus much more!
Colin Egglesfield (ex-Josh) has been let go from the CW's new incarnation of Melrose Place. He will last air in January. Personally I watched it, just for Colin, and will most like not continue after he's gone since it really hasn't grabbed me or given me any reason to stay. I do enjoy seeing old character come back from when I was a die hard Melrose fan. But damn, Jo (Daphne Zuniga) sure got bitchy! Ashley Simpson has also been let go, which can really only improve the show.
Daytime Confidential's Jamey Giddens interviews The Young and the Restless star Wilson Bethel. They talk about his role as Ryder, working with Sean Kanan and Greg Rikaart and Generation Kill. (Daytime Confidential)
Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson's General Hospital Scrubs Team raised $44,878.10 and walked for AIDS Walk LA last weekend, and are currently in top positions individually and as a team. Check out the great pictures from the event! (Scrubs Hub)
Elizabeth Webber's polka dot cardigan has been the sole highlight of GH this week, which has led the Serial Drama girls to wonder if the show should change its name to "Stupid people doing terrible things in an uninteresting fashion." (Serial Drama)
The extended dragged out "Stu-Murder" mystery is driving me up a wall. On top of all of this, the totally irritating promo ABC continues to run about the real murderer being revealed has been way over done and frankly, it's turning my hair gray. (Soap Opera Examiner)
Great weekend for Wubs! AIDS Walk LA, scoops, tweets and news are all up in the Sunday surgery. (Wubs)
Finn Wittrock has been cast as Damon, Baby Stuart's biological father. Looks like life is going to get a lot more complicated for Liza Colby. I wonder if she'll ask Damon to move in with her too. He begins airing next week. Finn has previously been seen on CSI: Miami and Cold Case, as well as other guest starring roles.
This weeks spoilers are now posted!! Lots happens but the biggest thing is that we finally learn who really killed Stuart. Also this week, the Hubbard's get shocking news about Madison. Aidan's condition worsens. JR shocks Marissa with a proposal and David shocks Amanda with a proposition!
Just announced on Live with Regis and Kelly, Kelly Ripa and husband Mark Consuelos will be returning to Pine Valley for AMC's 40th Anniversary! AMC celebrates that anniversary on January 5, 2010.
One Life to Live's Ilene Kristen is a Jane of all trades. Check out an interview with the talented actress at Daytime Confidential. (Daytime Confidential)
Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson had personal appearances in New York City last weekend and we've got an exclusive library of photos from the Brokerage event! (Scrubs Hub)
The Serial Drama girls learned the hard way that watching current episodes of All My Children will make you hate your favorite characters, the writing staff, your television set and your immune system. (Serial Drama)
There is something to be said for older characters on the who bring so much wisdom to various storylines on the soaps. As the World Turns does this well and nowhere was it more evident today when Lucinda and Emma tried to reach their daughters regarding their love lives. (Soap Opera Examiner)
Here is something more rare than Monica's screen time on GH: The wubqueen actually really REALLY enjoyed a show. Check it out and get your "Lukealikes" on! (Wubs)
This weeks spoilers are now posted! It's an action packed week as Emma has brain surgery, FauxKendall has had enough, Jesse puts Angie in a difficult spot, Aidan comes to Kendall's aid but is hurt in the process and everyone STILL is trying to get to the truth about the night of Stuart's murder.
ABC soaps had a crazy casting week last week. Tune in to hear Luke, Jamey, Regan and Belinda discuss all the comings and goings, including: James Franco, Jonathan Jackson, Beth Ehlers, Thorsten Kaye, Susan Lucci and Greg Vaughan. (Daytime Confidential)
There's plenty about All My Children to be negative about. But there are also positives too. In an effort to accentuate those positives, I propose my own Top Ten Reasons Why I Love AMC. Share the love and tell us what your Top Ten Reasons are! (Pine Valley Bulletin)
The Serial Drama girls have decided that General Hospital is really good at something: being inconsistent. The last two Mondays' episodes couldn't have been more different in terms of quality (and amount of karaoke). (Serial Drama)
There is something to be said for older characters on the who bring so much wisdom to various storylines on the soaps. As the World Turns does this well and nowhere was it more evident today when Lucinda and Emma tried to reach their daughters regarding their love lives. (Soap Opera Examiner)
On this week's We Love Soaps podcast, Suzanne Rogers talks about how she landed the role of Maggie on DAYS and why her character has come back into prominence this year. (We Love Soaps)
Woo-wee! Could we have a more wild week in soap news? The Wubqueen dishes it all plus Carolyn Hennesy news, and Team ScrubsWubs LA Aids walk info. (Wubs)
Speculation that Rebecca Budig would return to the role of Greenlee Smythe duPres Lavery after AMC moved to LA has now been confirmed! She will likely start filming before the move, and begin airing in December, but details are yet to come! Greenlee was last seen riding her motorcycle off the side of a cliff. Her body, while identified by Ryan and Kendall, was never actually viewed by them. And Aidan never let on if the body he looked at was actually Greenlee's. Lots of AMC fans, myself included, believe that David has her stashed away with Nurse Gayle looking after her. Hmmm.
Last week the soap world went mad. It was like the real world actually turned into a soap opera itself! It was a week of shocking news and not just on the AMC front, but elsewhere in the soap world too. Eric Braeden, a mainstay on Young & the Restless for 29 years was asked to take a pay cut and when he didn't comply, he was shown the door. Braeden states that while he wasn't so much put off by the idea of taking a cut, he was very put off by how the producers of the show approached him with the request. Hmmm.
And over at General Hospital, strange things are afoot! First Greg Vaughn (who has played the role of Lucky Spencer since 2003) got the boot and has been replaced with original Lucky, Jonathan Jackson! And here I thought AMC only pulled nasty little moves like that. Let's just hope that GH has the good sense not to taut Jackson as "The REAL Lucky."
And if can stand more GH news... actor James Franco (Milk, The Pineapple Express) is joining GH in a recurring role for reportedly about 2 months. This news has been met with a lot of ridicule of the soap world and a whole lot of "why oh why would James Franco lower and demean himself so!" Hey if it was good enough for Elizabeth Taylor, I think it's good enough for Franco! James will play a newcomer to Port Charles with a mysterious past. Hmm, sounds like a break down of just about every new soap role!
That brings us to AMC. I've already done one commentary about the move. But considering the level of panic I keep seeing, I felt compelled to revisit the discussion. If any of that news above isn't a big indication that soaps are in trouble... big trouble, it should be. GH is pulling out all the stops to up it's viewership, while Y&R seems to be doing the exact opposite. I honestly don't even know whether I'm coming or going anymore. I almost dread opening my email in the morning and finding out what new piece of weird news is waiting for me. But on the other hand, things sure haven't been boring, at least, not in the real world. The fictional world of Pine Valley? Well that's another story.
We now know with certainty that Thorsten Kaye will not continue on as Zach Slater after the move to LA. And while Alicia Minshew (Kendall) has stated that she is returning to Pine Valley after her maternity leave, word is that it will only be long enough to tie up loose ends and then she will exit as well.
This news has been met with mixed emotions. While lately, Kendall has been on my last nerve with her jealousy being a far bigger focus than her indictment for murder, Alicia Minshew is still one of my absolutely favorite actresses on the show. And while, as my friends over at Pratt Falls call him, Sir Grunts A-Lot can be infuriating, Zach is one of the most interesting characters AMC has ever had. With their departure comes a very large hole in the fabric of Pine Valley. So much focus has been placed on Kendall and Zach that I wonder who will pick up the slack.
Wouldn't it have been nice to have the long suffering Aidan finally get a storyline worthy of him? Not going to happen since AMC let Aiden Turner go. It would have been nice to see Beth Ehlers (Taylor) get a storyline and romance worthy of her considerable acting chops. Also, not going to happen. Walt Willey (Jack) was quietly dismissed without hardly a mention. Three pretty large missed opportunities.
There's a lot to condemn. A lot to be mad about. A lot to move fans into the dangerous territory of boycotting the show. But this really the wrong time to even consider such a proposition. Soaps are in trouble. It's not a dirty little secret anymore. It's a fact. Guiding Light is gone after 72 years. AMC was in serious danger of cancellation, but instead is being moved to LA. OLTL's future is still unsure. ATWT is facing cancellation rumors, as is Days. In these unsure times for soaps, is it really a good idea to purposely boycott a show? Ratings are already shaky and only get shakier when fans suddenly decide to boycott because they aren't getting what they want. This is a genre issue now, not a storyline one or an actor getting fired one. A boycott will affect soaps as a whole, not just the show you are peeved at.
So I propose that we start talking more about what we still have or will gain, instead of what we don't have or are losing. I'll start.
10. Erica Kane and Ryan Lavery. Yes, I'm well aware that I am very much in the minority on this one, but I don't care! I like it and I will shout it from the rooftops! Do I want this to last in the long term? No. But for now, the easy chemistry and fun relationship they have is something I enjoy. I like seeing the ever confident Erica unsure and concerned about the relationship. I like seeing Ryan look at this woman he's known for so long in a new way. I just like it period. Sue me.
9. Brot and Natalia. JR Martinez has been a surprising and wonderful addition to the cast of AMC. Surprising because he didn't start out as an actor. But he lights up every scene he's in and now with the budding romance between Brot and Natalia, I see a lot of rooting value for this young couple!
8. Madison North This character intrigues me in a good way. The bratty spoiled rich girl who seemingly had everything she ever wanted is being revealed to be more damaged than anyone ever really knew. It's a classic tale but with Stephanie Gatschet in the role of Madison, it seems fresh.
7. Possible Returns With the move to LA, the rumors of different stars coming back to AMC has ran from RebeccaBudig (Greenlee) to Eva LaRue (Maria). From Eden Riegel (Bianca) to Justin Bruening (Jamie). From Alexa Havins (Babe) to Josh Duhamel (Leo). I would welcome any and all of them back. But let's get real. Eva LaRue is on CSI: Miami and I can't see her giving that up to come back to Pine Valley. Josh Duhamel has a very successful movie career, with two movies in production and one, When in Rome, set to release sometime next year (which incidentally, Alexa Havins also appears in). But who knows, the possibilities are exciting!
6. Krystal Carey and Tad Martin. I was on board the Tad/Taylor train. I was interested to see where that was going to go and I liked their chemistry. But since it's not going to happen, I throw all my support behind the reuniting of Tad and Krystal. I expect it to be difficult, emotional and fraught with drama. That's how it should be. They have an interesting history and a lot of love left over for each other.
5. Dr. David Hayward The man. The myth. The legend. David Hayward is played deliciously by Vincent Irizarry. He's a character that I want to hate, but somehow I just can't. He's a master manipulator and when his own tactics don't work, he doesn't sweat it, he just whips up some new drug that will do his bidding for him. A brilliant surgeon who clearly thinks the Hippocratic Oath is for suckers. And under it all is a strong desire to be loved and have a family to call his own.
4. Adam Chandler THE man in Pine Valley I love to hate. And sometimes just love. Adam Chandler has done it all, seen it all, bought the t-shirt. A successful businessman who is nobodies fool. That is until his twin, his better half, his conscience, was murdered in a case of mistaken identity. Now Adam struggles with his own identity and place in the world. The mogul believes he found a new angel but he's so wrong.
3. Tad and Jake Martin These brothers are so much fun to watch, whether they are arguing or plotting. There is such an ease to their chemistry I almost feel like they are ad libbing their whole scene. Ricky PaullGoldin is by far my favorite incarnation of Jake. And he plays off the fabulous Michael E. Knight perfectly.
2. Angie and Jesse It's no secret that I'm a big Angie and Jesse fan from way back. Their return at the beginning of 2008 was the stuff of legend. Sure Jesse has been dead for 20 years, but when has that ever stopped someone from coming back? Now thoroughly entrenched back in Pine Valley, Jesse is Chief of Police and Angie is back at work in Pine Valley Hospital. Jesse's humor, sarcasm and compassion is awesome. And even though his desire for the good guy to always win gets him in trouble and has him making questionable decisions, I still love him. Angie, what can you say about her? She's the shows angel. She was there for Ryan when Greenlee "died." She was there for JR when Babe died. She was there for Marissa while JR was in chemo. She was there for Amanda when David was making her life hell or when she was recovering from her baby "dying." She's there for everyone. Her presence in any of this situations is something I never question because I'm so happy she is there with her kind heart and wise words.
And the Number 1 Reason Why I Love AMC...
History. My own with the show... a viewer since 1979. And the shows own rich history. The people in charge may forget it's history sometimes, but the fans never do. So while TPTB seemingly want to destroy our show, it's up to us to save it from the crash and burn and a mass walk out isn't the way to achieve that. Tell them what you think! And if you love everything that is going on, tell them that too. It's unfortunate that we always think to write when we are unhappy. But you can write to the show when you are happy too. All the addresses are located here.
This weeks spoilers are now posted. Don't miss a minute as Madison confesses to Frankie and then gets taken to Oak Haven!!! Liza meets with her baby mama and has lots of 'splaining to do to Colby. Jake and Amanda find some time for some lovin. Aidan kidnaps Annie. And Emma is hurt while trying to tell the truth!!!
Say huh??? Not one week after the news hit that AMC had let go of Brianne Moncrief as Colby, comes word that soap newbie Natalie Hall has been hired to replace her! She is set to start taping this month, before the move out west and then will presumably head to LA with the show.. Color me confused!!!
You can always count on a good number of stars and former stars from AMC to come out and support Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and this is no exception. Last weekend Broadway Cares had their annual flea market and grand auction and the stars were out in force! Check out all the pics from this great event, courtesy of the PVB's fave photographer Linda Lenzi and Broadway World!
Some of daytime's storylines are really bad right now. Find out which storylines the Daytime Confidential gang think are the worst on the CBS and Days of Our Lives podcast episode. (Daytime Confidential)
What was it like behind-the-scenes with Big Brother winner's Jordan and Jeff at "B&B"? Michael Fairman previews his upcoming interviews with the popular reality duo! (Michael Fairman Soaps)
The news is out, it's the talk on everyone's mind. Mine too! Check out Kathy's latest commentary on AMC's move out west and the list of who is going and who isn't. Then take the PVB poll and share you thoughts too! (Pine Valley Bulletin)
The big news of Jonathan Jackson's return to GH has the Serial Drama girls feeling excited, nervous and conflicted. Mallory and her 14-year-old self give their perspectives on the situation. (Serial Drama)
How many times do you think Dorian will threaten to fire David during the course of her campaign? The predictions are impossible but there is no doubt this will be one hell of an amusing campaign. (Soap Opera Examiner)
Co-stars and fans react to Greg Vaughan's exit from General Hospital. Most are very surprised but very supportive as the man we've known as Lucky for the past 6 years leaves the set this week: (Wubs)
If you are a current or past cast or crew member of All My Children, and would like to be featured in our "Where Are They Now?" interviews, feel free to contact us at
This site is designed to be simple and straightforward with no heavy graphics that will take too long to load. Special thanks to ABC Daytime for the use of so many photos.
This site is owned and operated by Editor in Chief, Kathy Carano, please email me anytime at