Who's back? BROOKE!!!!! Julia Barr will be reprising her role of Brooke English beginning February 23. Amazing news! Amazing actress! And another wrong righted. Go AMC!!!
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Oh my gosh! I am delighted! Next, please writers, bring back Palmer. I have wonderful photos and stories about this great actor!
That's great news! SO excited!
Great news! welcome back Ms. English!
RIGHT ON!! I'm so glad. Ding dong the witch is dead. Good riddance Pratt. Bring back Petey and Jack full time now :(
Oh, I can't wait!
I really doubt they'll bring Palmer back too much considering his age and health. But he could be recurring.
But putting Jill Larson on contract, apparently bringing back Walt Willey and now Julia Barr: good stuff.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is great news.
This is the BEST news for the new year!!! Thank God AMC/ABC is waking up and will be doing WONDERFULLY creative things again!
WoW! I am so happy to hear that! Can't believe they wrote her off with no departing storyline or anything after all those years! YaYYYY!
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