Sunday, May 1, 2011

CASTING NEWS: Cady Confirms Return!!

As previously reported, Cady McClain (Dixie) has been in talks to return to AMC before the finale in September.  She has confirmed via Facebook and Twitter that she will be back.  No details of course, just a confirm.


Anonymous said...

Great lets see Julia Barr and David Chandler back too!

Little Libby said...

I know I'm probably in the minority but I don't want AMC to just bring back the people we love/loved and parade them on the set for a cursory "good-bye." Sure, I'd love to see Adam, Brooke, Mark (Erica's brother), Tom and all the rest but it should be meaningful and help weave all the storylines to a proper end.

Kathy said...

I get what you're saying Libby, but I don't think it would be difficult and I think it would make perfect sense for Brooke and Adam to come back for any reason.