Pine Valley sweetheart Hillary was played by our good friend and timeless beauty (I mean look at the picture above, she has not aged a day!), Carmen Thomas-Paris, from 1984-1988. With all the rumblings of Tad's past with Hillary we reached out to Thomas-Paris for her opinion on what's going on. Check it out:
“It’s been very exciting to get so many calls and e-mails asking if I am returning to the show! I wish that I knew more about this intriguing prospect and how perfect that the show is now right here in my own back yard!! I have been in touch with some of the actors on the show who were my friends when I was on the show who are all very jazzed at the idea of me returning to the cast to revive my role.Stick around The Pine Valley Bulletin for the next two weeks of features revolving around Hillary and her one and only portrayer Carmen Thomas-Paris as we Rediscover Hillary Wilson together!
Especially Michael Knight (Tad Martin) who has been wanting this to happen for years.
Since the current producer of the show is not familiar with Hillary, Michael has told me he is pitching me to come back as Hillary and stir up some trouble for Tad!
Also, he and I both feel that Hillary and Tad never got enough of a chance together since most of our time was spent “unrequited” and once we finally got married Michael left the show so this could be our chance to finally have some juicy stuff.
I know from hearing through the grapevine that Lorraine Broderick who is the Headwriter, wants to bring back Hillary but two new Headwriters will take over at the end of the month so who knows what their ideas might be.
Lorraine Broderick is part of the regime, who with Agnes Nixon, created the role of Hillary.
This could be a really great opportunity to get back some previous fans of the shows and merge with the new viewers!
I watched the show last week when I heard all this late breaking news to see what was happening in Pine Valley and it warmed my heart to see some familiar faces which were like family to me!
I was a mere teenager when I showed up in Pine Valley...Julia Barr (Brooke English) was like a real Auntie to me so it would be such an adventure to be back with all these dear people that I love!”
What drove Hillary and Tad apart? Why does Damon remind us of Hillary's last lover and almost husband, Mitch Beck (yes, that's Donna Tyler's little brother)?
We will also have a full feature interview with Carmen Thomas-Paris and update all you fans on what she has been up to, her days at All My Children, and the lessons learned for the southern ingenue as she grew up in the big city. Phoebe Wallingford would be proud!
Do you want Hillary and Carmen Thomas-Paris back in Pine Valley as much as we do? Make your voice heard! Reach out to AMC Producer Julie Carruthers via email: Julie.Carruthers@abc.com
Hillary was always a favorite of mine! I would love to see her come back. How exciting!
Would be great to bring her back! She came and went before AMC brought in Dixie and company [Trask, Will, Lanie, Celily, and teen Emily Ann and Joey Martin...]
I started watching a year before Carmen came to the show. Can't believe she still looks good. She was in San Diego in 1985, was nice and autographed photographs. There is a bunch of new ideas the writers could come up with to make Hillary an integral part of the ensemble.
This would be a great storyline for them to write! The fans really want a connection to the show's history and this would do it. (She was great on Babylon 5 a few years ago, by the way.)
If you're gonna bring in Hillary and Tad's son, you need to bring Hillary (Carmen Thomas) back to be Hillary.
Bring Hillary back...and her best friend Rita, too! They were a terific pair.
wow to see carmen thomas back as Hillary would be such a well deserved treat for amc fans....love her and too see her reunited with michael night (tad) would be superb,,tad n hillary were one of my favorite 80's couples on amc..they need another chance to rediscover their amazing chemistry!!!!!
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