Now... on to better things. Brooke returns today. TODAY! It's not a long term

While I'm talking about Annie, I can't help but wonder what the dang deal is with Scott. He keeps defending Annie to anyone who doubts her,

So why is it never Annie's fault? Richie made her crazy. Greenlee made her crazy. Ryan made her crazy. Dr. Sinclair made her crazy. Now Colby's making her crazy Bottom line, Annie made Annie crazy. She's joined the ranks of Janet from Another Planet and Loony Leslie. She needs a nickname! Unhinged Annie? Erratic Annie? How about Apeshit Annie? Yeah... I like it! Apeshit Annie it is!
Let's talk Damon. Now, as far as I know I'm not giving anything away here, it's

So what do you think, are David and Greenlee a match made in heaven, hell or a little of both? Yeah, a little of both I think. Personally I've always liked the chemistry between David and Greenlee. Not necessarily as a couple, but as whatever they were before. It isn't beyond the realm of possibility that David could fall in love with Greenlee. The man craves love. But he certainly goes about getting it in all the wrong ways.

Wow. And through it all, I just can't help but love the guy! There is something so fun and dangerous about David. His snarky comebacks when he's around Tad or Jake. The way he calls JR, Junior in that condescending David way. Poor David, he's just a misunderstood madman! Can Greenlee be his match? His manipulative equal? I don't know but the possibilities intrigue me.

Don't expect Ryan to just give up though. With Greenlee's admission that she still loves him, Ryan isn't going to bow out and let David win his lady love. Sure he said he'd back off, but will he really, especially if they really do end up married!? My guess is no.
All in all, in the "you know who" aftermath of things, I'd give AMC a B-. It's moving up, it's improving more and more, and I even occasionally watch in real time now because I'm excited to see the show again. What do you think?
Pratt Pratt Pratt; too bad he didn't kill off Erica.
Very well written my friend. But I take exception with you and Anni. I probably am the only one on the face of the earth that still doesn't believe she killed Richie. I think that friend of Richies that was on for a couple of episodes did it. I was so hoping they would make her be sane and quit with this insanity. I don't think she loves Adam at all but with him exiting who cares really.
As far as Greenlee I am hoping against all hope that they bring back Leo and Nessa myself. I think that would be the best thing going. I would love to see her and David reek havoc in Pine Valley for a while but then have David have yet another secret and it be Leo and Nessa. What a bombshell that would be :)
OH and I forgot Digit of Death is? LOL I'm confused by that one.
mkuschne, you have a one track mind! LMAO
Thom, the Digit of Death is Mateo (or my other pet name for him, Assholeo). He was constantly pointing that finger at anyone and everyone.
I'm still waiting for poster: "mkuschne" to say something positive on this board. I think we've got the "I don't like Erica" spin already. :)
Awww thanks. Okay.
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